Monday, September 7, 2009

Quote of the Week #1

"Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller

After you have read the above quote carefully and thoughtfully, respond to it using the following prompts. In an organized paragraph, answer these questions:

1. What do you think the quote means? Use your own words to paraphrase it.
2. Do you agree with the quote? Please explain why or why not.
3. Make a connection between the quote and real life.
- If you agree with the quote, give an example of when you have seen it to be true in your life, another's person's life, or for a character in a book.
- If you disagree with the quote, give an example of when you have seen it to be disproved in your life, another's person's life, or for a character in a book.


  1. I think the quote means that it is much easier and faster to work together than to work alone. I agree with the quote because when a president is elected, he can't lead his country all by himself, so the people vote for senators and govenors and everybody else to help he/she.

  2. That last comment was by #16

  3. I believe that Helen Keller’s quote means that team work and working in a group allows you to do more than when you are working alone. I agree because work seems to get done faster in a group. On many occasions, I have seen teams make work basically disappear in half the time it takes one person. A great example is every time we go into our table groups for a group project; we all do our work twice as fast then when we're working alone. The group is more creative and you get more ideas. So, in conclusion, I do agree with Helen Keller.


  4. I think what Helen Keller ment is that three or more brains are always better than one. Yes I agree with the quote because you can always get something done quicker with more people. I once was doing work last year and I couldn't figure it out so I did some work with a partner.

    Bradley #6

  5. I think what Hellen Keller is trying to say if we all work together we can make a change, like how Martin Luther King Jr. made a team of darker skinned people to be against of the white skinned people.

  6. “Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much” is what Helen Keller said and I think she meant that well lets say you didn't have any friends to help you lift up a really heavy box so you could only move it a millimeter per half an hour, but if you get a bunch of friends to help you could move it a half a mile per half hour. I agree With this quote, because I think it is very realistic. Also a connection I made with this quote and real life is when I first moved here starting my third year at preschool I tried to do a merry-go-round but I couldn’t push myself because I would get hurt, but when my friends came we took turns pushing and it all worked out nicely. Another thing is that I have seen this be true to lots of my friends and characters in books. Like you can’t play double-dutch by yourself you need friends to help you out. Also you can’t fight 20 bulls and broncos by your self you need some other people to help out. So I hope you get what I meant about the quote by Helen Keller.

    Jill #14

  7. "Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much."

    -Helen Keller

    I think the quote means that if we all help each other on a goal ( one at a time), we have more of a chane at sucseeding together than we do alone.

    I almost agree with Helen Keller, Teamwork is useful in some projects but in others it is easier to do it without others aid.

    I personally don't like working as a team, but in some cases you get work done faster with a team than you do by yourself.

    Abigail #1

  8. I think that quote means that 2 or more people could do more than what one person could do. yes i agree with the quote i think two people could do more then one. if you were building a house it would take longer with one person then 5

  9. I think the quote means that as one person you can't do much, but in a group you can do a lot more things. I agree with this quote because together you can do a lot more then by yourself. If you have 50 workers, it would take less time to finish a building then just by yourself. At school it is easier to work in a group on an assignment then doing it on your own.

  10. I think that Helen Keller means that when you are alone you can't do many things. When you are with someone else you can put your heads together you can think of different ideas and better ways to solve a problem. I agree with the quote because different people think different ways so you can accomplish more with more than one person. At school when we do group projects we can get them done faster when everybody helps to do a different part.

    Ashley #4

  11. I think that Helen Keller means that alone we do small things that still mean a lot but if we work as a team or group we can do so much more. I also think that she wants people to be a team and get along instead of being enemies. I agree with the quote because I also think that together we can do more and getting along will create more peace. For example one person could be doing a fundraiser and raise 5,000 dollars but if that was a team of people doing the fundraiser they could raise 15,000 dollars. I also think that if we work as a team and get along we will have more peace instead of war. I think that if people listen to this quote and try to think about what she means the world could really change.

    Annie #2

  12. I think the quote means that when only one person does something it will only help a little but when everyone helps to do something you can get a lot done. I agree with the quote because you do get a lot done with people working together as a team.I have done it in my life when my sister and I helped my brother. My connection is that one time my brother was doing work in the yard and it wasn't a one person job, so my sister and I helped him and we got the job done faster and we got a lot done.

  13. I think the quote means if everybody pitches in they can do anything. I agree with the quote because if you try to build a school alone it could take years but together it could take months.It is better to work together.

    Max #21

  14. I think that #16 has a very interesting real life example. It is very true that the President, even though he/she is the top leader of our country, cannot do anything just by him/herself. He/she needs other political leaders to support the plans for the country.

    I am glad that Abigail was honest about her feelings regarding working as a team. However, even if one doesn't really like working with others because it seems easier to work alone, there will always always always be teamwork, no matter how old you get. Even when you are as old as me.

    Someone made an interesting comment about Martin Luther King Jr. working as a team. But I was wondering what this person meant. How did working as a team help Martin Luther King? Also - there was no name on this post, so I don't know who wrote it!

    - Mrs. Page

  15. I think what Hellen Keller is trying to say if we all work together we can make a change, like how Martin Luther King Jr. made a team of darker skinned people to be against of the white skinned people.

    sorry I forgot my #22

  16. I think what Hellen Keller was trying to say was that if we work with each other as a team, we can do much more compared to just ourselves. I agree with Helen Keller because if we help each other's work, it can be done faster. The reason I agree is because in our table groups we work in groups and when we do that, we can get work done faster.

    My mom helps me with my homework if I need help and if I don't tell her that I need help with my homework, I will probley finish my homework
    MUCH later. Even a group can be 2 people helping each other.

    I've also seen what Helen Keller said because my brother, mom, and dad help each other with work and house work.


  17. I think that Helen Keller is trying to say is that one person would do a lot more by working as a team than by him or her self. I agree with this quote because one person can do a lot, but as a team we can do things faster, have more ideas and be very powerful, so we can do anything! An example for this quote is taking care of the world. If everyone recycles, walk to school, turns the lights off, and use the water wisely the global warming can be reduced.


  18. I believe alone we can accomplish small things, but in a group or team we can accomplish more. I agree with what Helen Keller said because working in a group or team you can accomplish more than alone. There are lots of examples to show this quote. For example, if one painter set out to paint a house it would take months, but a group of painters can paint a house in weeks. #10

  19. I think the quote means that if you use teamwork you can do things better than by yourself.I agree with Helen Kellers quote because it is easier to solve something in a group.A conection that I made was when we do word definitions some of the words are hard to define and when we work as a group we can combine are ideas to make a great answer.

    Ben #5

  20. I think that Helen Keller is trying to say that we can do a lot as one person, but if we work with other people, we can accomplish so much more and it will be more meaningful because we worked as a team. I agree with the quote and think that the president of the United States is a good example. The president is elected to be the leader of our country, but he can not change our world alone. He needs the support of the other people in the government and all of us as citizens. I have seen this quote in my life in sports. Many people think that a game can be won or loss by how a pitcher pitches. I am a pitcher on our team, but my pitching is only a small part of the game. Our team needs a good pitcher and great players behind him to help make great things happen.

    Noah #24

  21. To me it means when you do something alone it will go slower than doing it with some one else. Yes I agree with it because a group can help each other. Whenever my mom tells me to clean my room sometimes my sisters will help me and it goes a lot faster than just by myself.


  22. I think it means that together we can do so much more. Yes because together we can get the job donr faster then doing alone. It relates to my life because on my football team if there was only one player we would lose but together we can win by working as a team.

    -Cory #11

  23. I think that Helen Keller is trying to say that when you are doing something big by yourself it's so hard but when you're working together you can do really anything and it's simple. For me I am on Eastside, the A team, in soccer so I can relate. When your up against these big girls, trying to win, by yourself it's like impossible. But when I have my team to back me up if I miss the ball then we can win by working together.

    ~Cameron #9

  24. I agree with a lot of people with blogs so far and there all very well written.

  25. Helen Keller meant that alone you are power less but together you've got all the power in the world. For example, in class Mrs.Page says your group is the brain and the person that talks is the mouth. I agree with this quote because if you work together you can help each other but if you are alone and get stuck there is no one to help you. I can make a connection because in soccer if you try to do everything yourself you can't win a game but if you work together by passing the ball and helping each other you will win!

    -Brooke #8

  26. I think the quote means working as a team to get something done will go quicker as a team instead of doing it by yourself. I agree with Helen Keler. Last weekend my dad wanted to paint my bedroom. He said that he would do it by himself. If he did it by himself it would have taken him 3 days. My mom said,"how about letting me and Natalie help." we worked as a team and finished the room in a day and a half.

    Natalie #23

  27. Helen Keller was blind and deaf; to me it means that you can’t always do things yourself on something’s you need help. I do agree with Helen Keller. One example is as I have played soccer I have learned that you can’t win alone you have to play and win as a team.

    This Saturday as I was playing soccer with my team we won the game 8 to 0 by doing what our coaches have taught us we passed the ball, we talked to each other and together we made 8 goals.

    #13 Jack

  28. I think the quote means that when you do somthing alone, it is never as good as it would be if you did it with a partner or a group. It also gets done faster. I agree with the quote becouse when I do things with another person is is more fun and fast.

