You've recently learned how to use Windows Movie Maker for your simple machines video essay. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Name at least one thing you liked about learning the Movie Maker program and/or working on your simple machines video essay.
2. How might you use Movie Maker in your real life?
1. Name at least one thing you liked about learning the Movie Maker program and/or working on your simple machines video essay.
2. How might you use Movie Maker in your real life?
I really think it is great that we are doing this project. It teaches us about movie maker and I think it really lets you be creative with your song or chant. I also think it is really fun because it lets you play around with your friends a little more. For example you get too make the song as funny or interesting as you want, and even if it a little silly it's okay.
ReplyDeleteLets say next year you are the sixth grade senator, and you have to make a movie about middle school to give to each kid that will be attending sixth grade the year after you. Movie maker will be a great tool for this assignment. There are lots of other reasons that you might need need to know how to use movie maker, like your'e making a commercial of how to make donations to chile or just showing your friend all the pictures from your visit to the bahamas. I really think this is a great project, and I hope I will get to use this tool in other things besides school.
I liked learning the Movie Maker because if you need to make a movie in another part of your life you all ready know how to make one. You might use it in real life for another assey or an at home prodject from school.
I liked working on this project because:
ReplyDelete*I thought it was fun running around the school taking pictures. I never would have thought you could find so many simple machines in ordinary places.
*I haven’t really used movie maker that much so it was a fun experience making a movie with my friends.
*Our song that we wrote for this project rocks!!!!!
This summer I helped my mom and aunt make my grandparents a 40th anniversary video. It included a bunch of pictures of my grandparents, my parents, my aunt and uncle, my two cousins, and me and my sister. It turned out really great and my grandparents LOVED it!! A few weeks ago, I made awesome Twilight video using Moviemaker just for the fun of it.
I think that movie maker is really easy to use and fun!!! you can do so much!!! My favorite part of movie maker was all the transitions and title pages. It is fun because of how creative you can be!! I really enjoyed doing movie maker and learning about simple machines. I also love how my groups song works with our movie really well!!
ReplyDeleteYou can use movie maker in a real life situaion is for presenting something like if you were trying to convince your parents for something so you showed pictures. Another reason is for memories because you can make videos and photos that you can play for memories. If you own a place and you want to show video of people doing what your store does, you can use movie maker to help show that!
I go to Lake Chelan for most of my summer, so I made a movie maker video of pictures of Lake Chelan!!!!!
Movie Maker is great! It is fun, easy and the finnish looks awesome!!
Annie #2
nice work annie!
ReplyDeleteI liked this project because it was fun running around the school taking pictures of all of the simple machines in the school. My favorite part was doing the backround and the slide transitions because you just noodle around with the pictures and it looks amazing! You could use this in real life for if I grow up and become a businessman and you want someone to buy your product, you can use this to get people's attention. You can also use this for memories, when we grow old and lose our minds, (Forget a lot of things) those are going to be the only things left. Movie makers are really helpful and easy to do things!
A couple of things that like about Movie Maker are how you can make something you recorded or imported play in the background while your movie is playing. I also liked how you can make slides come in, in a cool way like blinds or checkered board.
ReplyDeleteYou might be able to use Movie Maker in real life in many ways. You can use it to show to your friends all of the pictures you took on vacation or you can use it to give a report or presentation.
I have really enjoyed learning how to use Movie Maker.
- #7
I really really liked this project because we got to make a song to go along with it and got to take pictures around the whole school. I also liked how all of the slide transitions are so different and very interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou could use movie maker in real life when you have to show your boss a slide show when you are at work. You can use movie maker for teaching someone if you are a teacher.
I think movie maker is OUTSTANDING and it would be cool if my friends and I could make a little mini video.
I like a lot of thing about movie maker! It is a really easy way to make movies for kids. It is so fun to use all the different thing it has to offer including: the transitions, the titles and all the videos, pictures and music you can download on it.
ReplyDeleteA way you could use movie maker in real life is that if you are proposing something in a job then you can use this as a tool. Also for all the people that like to make movies for fun!( including me) I really liked using movie maker and hope we get to again!
- #8
I liked using Movie Maker because it was a tool I had never tried before. It was a different way to present information, other than using Microsoft Word or Power Point. I liked the way I could import pictures and sounds that I had made, instead of downloading pictures and sounds already available in the software. I think this capability enhances one’s creativity and helps create presentations that are truly original.
ReplyDeleteIn the future, I might use Movie Maker when I’m making a presentation at my office to my fellow coworkers. Learning how to use Movie Maker successfully will help me present myself smarter and make my presentations livelier.
Lucas said... I liked working on movie maker becauseit is a very useful tool to make movies with and slide shows and last its easy to use.
ReplyDeleteI might use movie maker to help my mom or dad with a slide show.pictures from a trip . a good by party and graduation parties.
One thing I liked about learning the Movie Maker program was being able to arrange slides in any order I liked.I also liked it because you could add music.
ReplyDeleteI could use Movie Maker to make Bionicle videos. I already have the Kodak video camera and I have started making some movies at home. So far I have made five movies. I am going to put them on You Tube. I could also use Movie Maker or my camera to take videos at my sister's soccer games.
Our class project working on simple machines video essays was very fun.I love making movies!
#21 Max
I had an awesome time making our Simple Machines video. My group and I loved going around the building and taking pictures of simple machines. Each was in many different unique places, which made them fun to find. We had a blast making up our clever song. What I liked about Movie Maker was the cool animation you could insert, the pictures in our movie, and how well it went with our song. Movie Maker gives kids our age a chance to be creative and clever while making movies. Even though I was really embarrassed about how my voice sounded when the entire class was watching our video, it was really exciting to watch the video on full screen, the effort we had put in finally paid off. As you can see, I had an enjoyable time with Movie Maker.
ReplyDeleteMovie Maker isn’t just for assignments because they can be used for fun, too! You could use Movie maker to instruct someone on how to do something, for example, changing tires on a bike. Another use for Movie Maker that could be fun is sending an electronic greeting instead of mailing your old run-of-the-mill birthday card. You could send a relative or friend a electronic video greeting, which would be so much more exciting than your regular, store-bought paper card! Movie Maker could be useful for making a music video, too. You would load up your music, take some pictures, and Voila! Movie Maker is quite useful for assignments, but can be fun, too! Happy Movie Making!
I thought being able to use Movie Maker was so cool because you get to work together and make the movie/video something you like as well as your teammates. I liked that we got to use it and I think it is very interesting and fun to go around the school taking pictures then putting them into a movie. I had a lot of fun doing and working with the Movie Maker. I also liked how you can do extra things to the movie like transitions, titles, and color too! My brother has used Movie Maker before on our home computer and I would use it in real life probably with my friends. When my friends come over we like to joke around and play so we could use Movie Maker to make funny videos. I think Movie Maker is fun to use, easy for anybody, and it allows you to be creative and make it what you want.
ReplyDeleteHannah #12
One thing I liked about using movie maker for our simple machines project is it was really fun because we got to be with our friends. Another thing that was fun as that we were able to make any song about the six simple machines. Some ways that people would use movie maker in real life is for job prensentations, at meetings, for sports teams, or for home videos. I hope we do another project in microsoft movie maker.
One thing I liked about using movie maker for our simple machines project is it was really fun because we got to be with our friends. Another thing that was fun as that we were able to make any song about the six simple machines. Some ways that people would use movie maker in real life is for job prensentations, at meetings, for sports teams, or for home videos. I hope we do another project in microsoft movie maker.
One thing I really liked learning about Movie Maker is how to use it because I have never used Movie Maker before. It is basically another way to present information a level or two up from Microsoft Word or Power Point. I really enjoyed the way that you could have music you recorded or like and pictures you took to put them together in a movie. In the future, I might use Movie Maker in real life to do a big presentation because Movie Maker is more advanced than Power Point. Also, Movie maker is a good way for people to understand things better because you can have sound playing at the same time. So I think this would help me in the future by making my presentations more interesting for people to listen to.
ReplyDeleteJill #14
I already knew how to do movie maker, but I learned some new things. I never knew how the timeline worked.
ReplyDeleteI think you could use it to make presentations more interesting. Also easier because you don't need to memorize what to say.
My favorite thing about move maker is that you could add a song and sitch the pictures around any way you would want. My fovorite thing that we did for the project is the song and taking the pictures. a way you could use this in real life is for a special ecation like a family reunion or a wedding.
ReplyDelete#13 Jack
I enjoyed movie maker because there are many features you can use. First of all, you can just import a picture to put it in the video. Secondly, you can lengthen or shorten the amount of time each photo takes up. Thirdly, you can add recordings and voiceovers the same way as pictures. Lastly, it isn't very hard to enter captions, titles, or end credits. Overall, it's just a great program.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely use movie maker in real life. About a year ago, I decided to make a stop motion animation movie with my friend. We took all the pictures, but we put them in a different computer program, and it gave us a lot of problems. Ironically, we never finished that movie; it is still a bunch of pictures of Legos cluttering the hard drive of my computer. I know that if we had used movie maker instead of the other program, the movie would be done by now.
I loved to use windows movie maker! The simple machines project was my favorite thing so fsr this year. I loved making the songs because we could be very creative. My favorite par was taking the pictures because I just like taking pictures. I liked using movie maker because one i have never used it befor. Two I like to use powerpoints and this is really simaler to it. Three I loved making the credits.
ReplyDeleteI will probably use movie maker in real life. I can use it in work if I'm giving a presentation. Second if I go on a trip and I take pictures, I can make it into a movie out of the pictures. I think movie maker is a great thing!
the one above was from Cory #11
ReplyDeleteOne thing that I liked about the project with movie maker is that we got to get in groups and sing a song which, I thought, was really fun! It's just like powerpoints but you can add music so I guess it's a level up from making powerpoints. I could use movie maker in the future by doing a presentation at work. It's more fun because people can understand what you're talking more easily because you can have actual pictures and the songs of your chose. I really enjoyed movie maker and I hope we can do movie maker as a project, again, in the future!
ReplyDelete~Cameron #9
What I liked about using the movie maker program was that you can make your own movie and and put whatever you want on it. Like cool pictures, songs, chants and even poems. I liked working with friends. Because we all loved the song we chose and we had fun taking the simple machine pictures.
ReplyDeleteI can use the movie maker program in real life when I am doing a big presentation. Because I can impress the audience with pictures and a song,chant, or poem. Also when I'm in a art technology class next year or making a movie or video for youtube.
What I liked about using the movie maker program is that we are like producers and directers. You can make your own little things in your movie that you are creating things like songs, characters, pictures.
ReplyDeleteI can make my movie whatever I want to. I can make imaginary nmovie into real movies. I like to write my ideas on my dad's cumputer and type the title, charaters, mins and hrs. and what the story is about. it was a lot of fun. Now I can you use movie maker to make my stories real.
P.S. Happy Birthday Mrs. Page
Natalie King #23
I liked the Movie Maker program. I liked it because we were the producers and directors. It allowed you to imports video, pictures, and also a recorded song. I enjoyed working in a 3 person group of our choice. The Movie Maker was really fun.
ReplyDeleteYou might use the Movie Maker program in real life like if you worked for a company. Then one day your boss is giving you an opportunity of a promotion. He asks you to make a movie about why you should be promoted and present it to him. This is an example of a life example of using the Movie Maker program.
The last comment was Connor #10
ReplyDeleteI liked movie maker because you can show your friend pictures and explain them even if your not there with them. It is always easy to do, which is another good thing about movie maker. You could use movie maker in real life if you were on vacation and you wanted to make a picture slide show for your friends. Movie maker would be perfect.
I liked movie maker because it let you import songs and it was a lot more clear and easier than Microsoft Powerpoint. I also liked how we were the directors and producers and we got to get into groups of three of our choice. I liked Movie Maker more than Microsoft Powerpoint.
ReplyDeleteI think you could use moviemaker in real life to help you remember fun or important times in your life. My mom takes pictures and movies of my baseball team. She puts the pictures and movie footage together, adds music and captions, and then sends them to my grandparents and other parents on my team. It is a great way to make a permanent memory of things that have happened in our lives. This is where I have seen moviemaker in my life.
One of of the things I liked learning about movie maker is the captions on the picture. The way I'd use movie maker in the real world, would be making videos for my church.
I liked Movie Maker because it was so cool! When I say cool, I mean that I like how you can upload music and pictures and turn them into a movie. There were all sorts of different animations, which let you totally customize it. There were so many different choices. A way that I might use Movie Maker would be to take pictures of my family and put them into a movie. That way I could always see pictures of them. Another way could be to take pictures of one of mine or my brothers' sports. Then you could put it into a movie to show the team. Also, I could show it to my grandparents because they love to hear about our sports. I think Movie Maker is AWESOME!!!!
ReplyDeleteAshley #4