Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
- Ancient American Indian Proverb
Expectations: After you have read the above quote carefully and thoughtfully, respond to it using the following prompts. In an organized paragraph, answer these questions:
1. What do you think the quote means? Use your own words to paraphrase it.
1. What do you think the quote means? Use your own words to paraphrase it.
2. Do you agree with the quote? Please explain why or why not.
3. Make a connection between the quote and real life.
- If you agree with the quote, give an example of when you have seen it to be true in your life, another's person's life, or for a character in a book.
- If you disagree with the quote, give an example of when you have seen it to be disproved in your life, another's person's life, or for a character in a book.
Remember that your paragraph needs to include an introduction sentence and a conclusion sentence.