Monday, November 16, 2009

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. For this week's writing, reflect on for what or for whom you are thankful. Be sure to explain your thankfulness for the thing or person that you list. I will be looking for COMPLETE PARAGRAPHS (introduction, clear/elaborated details, conclusion).


  1. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because you get to spend time with you family, which is what I am most thankful for. I am most thankful for my family becasue they are always there for me and love me. Second, I am thankful for my family becasue they support me in all the sports I play. Lastly, my extened family cares for me and supports me also. This Thanksgiving I am going to be thankful my family!

    - Brooke#8

  2. Thanksgiving is always the best holiday. The things that I am thankful for is that I have family from Hawaii and they still come hear to spend time with me. For example, some of my relatives lost there luggage on their plane ride here and had to go to a hotel for a night, but they did all of that because they wanted to spend time with family. Another thing I am thankful for is that I have a warm house to live in, a cozy bed to sleep in, and furniture. Those things a lot of people do not have. They are not rich, they don't have houses, but some people live on the streets. But anyways the thing I am most thankful for is my family.


  3. Thanksgiving is a fantastic holiday. The way I start of Thanksgiving is eating breakfast with my family. Usually we eat soft warm pancakes, steaming sausage, and juicy bacon. Then around 10 O'Clock we play a game of football, The Turkey Bowl. We gather around all the neighborhood kids with their dads and moms and play flag or tackle football. After everyone gets tired of it we head home. Then we visit family at our house or their house. When we arrive we talk about our day or some exciting things that have happened. Then after talking we go outside and play football, hit a golf ball, and play frisbee. Then the turkey is ready! YUM! We gather around the dining room table and say grace. Then dig in! Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and pumpkin pie. Then we sit back and relax and watch football. Nothings better than family and football! Then it's time to head home and go to sleep, we say goodbye to our family and walk out the door. That is what I am thankful for.


  4. I am thankful for many different things. I give thanks for my family and what we have, school and my teachers, freedoms I enjoy and the soldiers who have fought so I have these freedoms, our government, and, of course, friends.

    I am thankful for my family because without them a whole lot of love and support would be gone from my life and I would feel lonely and empty. My parents have jobs and I realize we are very lucky because in today's economy many people do not have jobs anymore. I love our home. Without it, I would have to live on the streets and I just can't imagine how scary it would be if that actually happened. I am thankful for clean food and water because without these things, I wouldn't be able to survive for very long. School and teachers play a huge part of my life and without those two key things, I wouldn't have an education or a future. I am thankful for the freedoms and rights I enjoy and feel grateful to all the soldiers who have fought for our country. Many of these soldiers gave their life and didn't get to enjoy what I have. Our government is essential because without it, our country would be chaotic and disorganized. Lastly, I am thankful for my friends because without them, I would not be able to have half as much fun at school as I do now. These are the main things I will remember this Thanksgiving holiday.

  5. I am thankful that I am able to live in a place that you are free to say what you want, I sleep in a house, I just have to go to the super market to buy food and I have a mom and dad.1st I am thankful to be able to live in a place that you can say what you want because in some places if you say that you don’t like the governor you can get arrested.2nd I am thankful to be able to sleep in a house because, if you think about it almost half of the people on earth have to live on the side of the road, because they can’t afford to live in a house.

    3rd I am thankful to be able to just walk to the super market for food, because a lot of people have to walk miles to a farm and grow their own food. Last I am thankful to have a Mom and Dad, because you wouldn’t believe the amount of people who wake up each morning, and have to live their lives without someone to give a hug to or know that they’re not alone. So in the end when you think about it Thanksgiving is not just about eating a feast, you also should think about what you are thankful for.
    -Ben #5

  6. I'm thankful for many things. One of these things are family. Family is my #1 when it comes to what I'm thankful for. My brother can annoy me and my parents can be strict, but I'm thankful for all of them. I'm glad there is Thanksgiving because I can say how thankful for. Another thing that I'm thankful for is when my grandma comes even though it is really hard for her to come. I'm also thankful for Thanksgiving dinner because I get to spend it with friends and family, even though we have crazy dinner.

    Another thing I'm thankful for is when my parents spend money for swim team and ski team when they could use it on something the rather have. Also they make my life a lot more fun.

    The last thing I'm thankful for is where we live and all the things we have. I think where we live is a really nice place because we have a good enviroment. When I compare where we live with other places I see that we have many things others don't have, and I'm thankful and also grateful. Things we have are like electronics, and also we wear expensive clothing (such as Abercrombie, Hollister and etc.) and some places even if you weren't poor there you would try to get the cheapest clothing that you could get ( My dad went there once to Africa and they sell single pieces of gum because people were that poor). Many people steal so they can survive, unlike Washington. Even though people steal here they usually don't do it to survive. All I can say is that I'm very thankful for many things.

  7. Sorry that was from #22

  8. I like Thanksgiving because I get to notice the things I am grateful for. I am grateful for many things. I am grateful for my family because they support me in everything I do. My family helps me and they really show their love for me. I hope I do so back to them. I am also thankful for our country and for our brave heros that keep us living in this wonderful country today. I am thankful for my house because it is nicely made and when I am at home I feel cozy. I am also thankful for basketball. Basketball brings out "Annie." Basketball brings out my personality. I am thankful for the Issaquah School District because it is helping me get an education in a correct way.

    I am thankful for our heros, patriots, soldiers and pioneers for starting this country and keeping it the same. I am thankful for thanksgiving because I like to recognize the things that make up our country and the things that I am thankful for. Everyone knows they are thankful for something but Thanksgiving really makes you think about it. I am thankful for many things.

    I am thankful for many things and many important things mean a lot to me. Thanksgiving gets me together with my family and friends and let em recognize the wonderful things in life. I love thanksgiving.


  9. Now that it is Thanksgiving, it is time to give thanks for things that we are thankful for. I am very thankful for many things. Having freedom, health, and my parents are only a few of the most important things that I am thankful for.

    I am thankful for freedom because living in America I am able to have freedom of speech. There are people in other countries such as Iran who do not have the freedom of speech. In those countries, anyone who insults the government could be put in jail or even killed. I can also practice any religion without being afraid or punished. We read in the book Three Cups of Tea that countries such as Pakistan will force you to practice a specific religion.

    I am also thankful for my health. Without good heath, you can not enjoy life. For example, if you have cancer you have to go to the hospital often to get treatments. The treatments will make you weak, lose your hair, and make you sick. Today, I am thankful for having good health. I am able to be physically active and have fun, play sports, and travel to many exciting places.

    My parents are the most important people in my life. My parents work very hard to provide all of the things that I need in life. For example they provide food, clothes and a home for me. Without food, clothes or a home I would be hungry, cold, and tired. I can not survive without these needs.

    Freedom, health, and having parents are a few of the important things that I am giving thanks for. I am happy and blessed to live in a free country that I can do what I want to do without being afraid or harmed. I am also happy to have good health today so that I can do activities both physically and mentally. Finally, I am blessed to have caring parents that provide me with the things that I need to survive.

    - #7

  10. I love Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my family first because the are so loving and take care of me. I am so thankful I have them and I am lucky to have such a great family and friends that care about me. I am also thankful for the freedom I have and the education I get to do things that I do today.

    To even have freedom, a home, and good clothes is so awesome. I am so so so thankful that I have all of those things and FOOD!! The people that are homeless and don't have any food are very thankful to have food drives and people who care about them. I am glad and lucky to be in sports like soccer and to have an education. Some people think that they are the richest in the world to have just an education and a loving and caring family. You are really really lucky to have those things and I am too.

    Last, to have good health is very lucky too. To have to pay all of the medical bills is hard and they can be very high. But my parents have a job and can those bills plus electric bills and groceries. A lot of parents can not pay those bills and can loose their house. That is why I am thankful for my family, my friends, my parents especially, all the people who care about me, and the doctors who make sure I am healthy.

  11. I am very thankful for many things. Some of the people are my mom, dad, sister and brother. I am thankful for these people because they care for me like when I was stuck on a homework problem my dad came and helped me work through the steps to get the right answer. Another example is I enjoy playing sports, so if my parents didn’t love and care for me as much as they do now I am pretty sure that I wouldn’t get to do as many fun things.
    Also I am thankful that I have cousins and friends, teachers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and so many more people. I enjoy hanging out and playing with my friends cousins aunts and uncles because most of them like to joke around with me. Or my parents own a beach place on Lake Bay Washington so during the summer my cousins, aunts and uncles, and friends come out. We play in the sand, go tubing, and collect lots of shell. I am thankful that I can go to the beach, I have friends and family to come wit me, and that I get to see my big family.
    Some of the things and places I am thankful for are, of course, the beach place, I am very thankful that I can play sports like basketball and soccer. I really enjoy those thing and without my parents I don’t think I would be able to play or live in a house. There are so many more things that I am thankful for and I hope you are thankful for as many things as I am.


  12. I am thankful for many things. Like my house, my family, my health and food. I am thankful for my house because my family and I have a place to sleep and some people around the world don't have a house to live in. I am also thankful for my family because they love me and I love my family too. I think is sad that some families have to separate because of war, lack of money, health or love. I am also thankful of me and my family being healthy because we don't get sick often and we do not have any sickness. Today I saw a move called My Sister Keepers. The movie is about a family that struggles because one of the daughters has cancer and they do everything to save her. But at the end she died. It was sad but I think the family is an example of love and courage. The last thing I am thankful of is food because I love food and my family have enough money to buy it. If I haven't ate anything in five hours I would fell I am starving. When I go to Mexico I get really sad because I see people that are begging for food in the streets. This Thanksgiving is very special for me because I think miracles happen and one of them is that this year in the fifth grade we did a food drive for the people in need. I can't believe that we got like a ton of food. It made me proud and very happy. And the best part is that someone less lucky than us will get food for this Thanksgiving.

    This blog made me realize that I am very thankful for a lot of things. I am very happy that I did this blog and I am pretty sure that this is one of my best Thanksgiving because I know that the fifth graders families and teachers made a difference.

    Mariana #19

  13. thanksgiving I'm thankful For my granpa. My grandpa fought in world war 2. He was in the air force and is still alive today but he is very old. I'm also thankful for everyone in the army because they risked their life to save our country. Whithout the army America would not even be a safe country let alone a free country. those are only two things i'm thankful for but their are lots of other thing i'm grateful for and I love these things.


  14. On Thanksgiving I am thankful for lots of things. One thing I am am thankful for is having a roof over my head. I think everybody should be thankful for a house because some people don't have a house. The best thing some people have is living under a highway. The next thing I am thankful for is food. I am thankful for food because some people have to go to a homeless shelter to get it. Everybody in our class can just ask their parents to make them a snack. The final thing I am thankful for is living in a free country. I am thankful for that because there are people who don't live in a free country and have to do everything the ruler says. I think we should all be thankful for what we have because most people don't have nearly as much.


  15. "Thankfulness"

    A few things that I am thankfull for would be my parents, my warm house, food/water. I am thankful for food/ water because that is how people stay alive. I am thankful for my warm house because my house is the thing that keep's me warm.I am thankful for my parents because my dad is allways willing to coach me in basket ball and my mom is willing to stay home and watch me every now and then.


  16. Thanksgiving is a great holiday because we get to celebrate what we are thankful for. One thing I am thankful for are all of the brave soldiers fighting for the freedom of our country. Another thing I am thankful for is all of the clean water we have. I am thankful for clean water because other countries don't have clean water to drink. I am thankful for my family, and especially for my Grandpa Springborn. He and I have a very special relationship, and spend a lot of time together. He tells me stories and we talk about everything. Lastly, I am thankful for the shelter we have because other countries and people don't have shelter or a home like we do. We should be very thankful when Thanksgiving comes around and remember to be thankful all through the year.


  17. Thanksgiving is a time of thanks. I am thankful for many things. If it weren't for my mother I wouldn't be here. I am thankful that she helps me with my homework when I don't get it. I am thankful that she makes me dinner every night and takes care of me. I also thank my mom and dad for taking me on many vacations like The Great Wolf Lodge. I am thankful for my grandparents for looking after me when my parents are gone. I am thankful for my Dad for doing things for me. I am lucky my sister helps me with my homework.
    I am thankful for our friends and for people inviting us over to their houses. Our friends make dinner and dessert for us and we like to have parties.
    I am thankful for having a home that is cozy and warm. I am happy I have a bed and don't have to sleep on the ground and in the cold. We are lucky because we don't have to live outside like some hobos or poor people in other parts of the world.
    I am thankful for all of the things people have done for me and for people who care about me.

  18. This was Max #21 on the last one

  19. The person I'm thankful for is my mom because if she wasn't here, then my dad would help me with my homework and I don't like it when that happens. He is not as patient as my mom. My mom would kindly talk to me and wouldn't yell like my dad. Also if she wasn't here I would be the only lady in the house and I would really hate that. If my mom wasn't here then my life would be worse than I can imagine. That is why on Thanksgiving day you should be grateful you have a family to be with you.


  20. I am thankful for many different things. I am thankful for my family because they are always there for me and help me when I don't understand something. They also love me and care for me and I love them and care for them. I am thankful that my mom has a job that she is good at, so she can make money for things we need like housing, food, a car, and clothing. I am thankful that when my dad stays at home he can take me to sports and other places I might need to go. I am thankful for my brothers who play with me and make me laugh. I am thankful for my friends who are always their for me, who help me, and who play with me. I am thankful for everything I have because I like my things and that my parents spent their money for things that I might want. I am thankful that we live in friendly community where we can get things that we need. I am thankful for everything.
    Ashley #4

  21. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I get to eat yummy food and I get to see lots of family. There are many things I am thankful for. One thing is my family. I am thankful for my family because they are the people who cheer me up when I am sad. They also help me do things that I have trouble doing, like if I loose something under my bed, then one of my little sisters who can fit into tiny spots can go get it, or if I am having trouble with my homework, my dad is always happy to help. I really am thankful for my family.
    Another thing I am thankful for is my friends. I am thankful for my friends because they are the ones who play with me at recess and when I am bored they are always there to entertain me.
    As you can see, there are many things to be thankful for.


  22. I’m most thankful for my family because they are always there and they help me when I don’t get things, but most of all they love me. The second thing I’m thankful of it that I’m not homeless because I don’t want to live on the streets and beg for money to get food. I thankful for many things but the one that I’m most thankful about is my family.

  23. I'm thankful for many things, but I'm most thankful for, my dog, Teddy. I am thankful for him because he cheers me up when I'm sad. He is furry all over and fun to play with. That is why I am thankful for Teddy.

  24. I am thankful fo many things, but I am the most thankful for my family. My family is always there to support me and make me laugh. They will always love me no matter what. So, my family is what I am most thankful for.

  25. On thanksgiving, I remember all that I am thankful for. Most people say that they are thankful for material objects like T.V.s, video games, and iPods, and even though I am thankful for these things, I am thankful for so much more. I am thankful I cam walk. I am thankful I can talk. I am thankful I can hear. I am thankful I have use of both my arms. I am thankful for all these common human activities that many people take for granted. I am also great full for my Mom, Dad, sisters, dogs, and the rest of my family. We often take these for granted, too. But many people don't have such good families, or families at all for that matter. My family is important to me very much. I am also grateful for having a house, having material objects, living in a strong country and living on this planet! All the things in life that Americans take for granted are special gifts, and these things are what I’m appreciative for.


  26. I’ll tell you what I’m thankful for,
    Everything that’s sweet
    So put that turkey leg down,
    And think of that poor turkey’s feet!
    I love Thanksgiving. It is a holiday when relatives come over, and you spend time with your family. I am thankful for many things, but what I am most thankful for is my family. They care for me everyday. I am also thankful for the veterans who serve our country and to be living in America. I know I’m blessed to be living in a free country where there is no communism or slaves. I live in a warm house, filled with people who care for me. Also, I am well and healthy, unlike some unfortunate families in other poor countries. I am also grateful that my family has jobs to pay for food and bills around the house. With the tough economy, my parents work hard in their jobs. I am most thankful for my Grandfather. 30 years ago, He and his family lived in Vietnam, under a communist government. So, he escaped on a wooden fishing boat, risking his whole family’s life. If they got caught, they would go straight to prison. My grandfather is the reason I am alive today. I sometimes take things for granted, but then I remember that I am lucky to have a family who cares for me and am able to live in this free country.

  27. I'm am thankful for my family, my dog, Bella, and thankful for my friends.I'm thankful for my family because we all love each other, and we go to a lot of fun places. I'm thankful for my dog, Bella,she is the first puppy that I ever had. I have had her for 2 years ago. She is a puggle, between a beagle and a pug. She is one of the most adorable dogs ever and she is like a little sister to me. I'm thankful for my friends, like Annie, because she helps me. She helps me catch up with my homework, and helps me with my vocabulary words.

    This is why I'm thankful.

    Natalie #23

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I am thankful for having a home to live in and that I live in a free county. The one thing that I like most about living here in Sammamish, Washington is being able to play sports like football and go on fun road trips to far off places. Usually on Thanksgiving we have a big feast of turkey, pumpkin pie, ham, stuffing, rice, potatoes, and Jell-O. After the feast I go and play dodge ball, watch football and or sit in the hot tub. Watching football and sitting in the hot tub is relaxing and fun. Playing dodge ball is totally awesome. I hope that everyone has a good Thanksgiving in America because it is a wonderful time of the year.
