Monday, November 9, 2009

Quote of the Week #4

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.

~Elmer Davis
Expectations: After you have read the above quote carefully and thoughtfully, respond to it using the following prompts. In an organized paragraph, answer these questions:

1. What do you think the quote means? Use your own words to paraphrase it.
2. Do you agree with the quote? Please explain why or why not.
3. Make a connection between the quote and real life.

- If you agree with the quote, give an example of when you have seen it to be true in your life, another's person's life, or for a character in a book.
- If you disagree with the quote, give an example of when you have seen it to be disproved in your life, another's person's life, or for a character in a book.
Remember that your paragraph needs to include an introduction sentence and a conclusion sentence.


  1. I think that this quote means that if people aren't brave then they will lose everything. I agree with this quote because if people aren't willing to stand up for what they believe in then we will lose the freedom and the privileges that we have. When I played in a basketball game on Sunday i was down by a lot and my whole team was being brave and continued to battle on the court and you know what? We won. This quote makes a lot of sense to me because when people don't like something they shouldn't just give up. They should go on.


  2. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
    -Elmer Davis

    I think the quote means that if we were the home of the cowards we would not have been able to keep our country free.
    But, sence we are the home of the brave we are a free country.

    I do agree with the quote because if we weren't brave we wouldn't have as many of the things we have today.


  3. I think that this quote means that if the United States of America did not have brave people like soldiers and police officers, our citizens would not have privileges like freedom of speech, thought and other such rights. Sadly, these precious freedoms have to be fought for by selfless soldiers in battles for others in their country.

    I agree with this quote. This is because our soldiers go to war knowing that they might not be able to enjoy the privileges that they are fighting for. They put their lives in jeopardy to fight for democracy, prevent any influences that may harm these values, and make our country a better place. That makes me appreciate our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan more than ever. These heroes are fighting to help protect our country and without them, we wouldn't live in the United States that we know today.

  4. I agree with this quote because you have to be brave enough to take risks to have a exciting life. You also have to be brave for many other reasons like to stand up in what you beleive in because america is a free country. For example, the soldiers have to brave and fight for our country. Another example is that Martin Luther King Jr. had to stand up for himself and other people like him for something he beleived in. Now becasue of Nartin Luther King Jr. stood up for himself and now it is a free country.A connetction i can make is that once one of my good friends started bossing me around and treated me like there slave so, was brave and stood up for myself. That friend and I are good friends now that i showed her she can't boss me around. That is what I think about this phrase.

    -Brooke #8

  5. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
    ~Elmer Davis
    I thought this qoute meant to stick up for yourself, and to be brave. Also that you have to face your fears and take risks for the U.S to remain free.

    I agree with this quote because we need to be brave and take risks to achieve goals in life. Also you need to stick up for yourself or other people to make the world a better place to live. An example is Martin Luther King Junior. He risked his life for other dark-skinned people in order to make the place a better place to live. Another example is when Hungarians didn't like the goverment they risked their lives for their country. Many people got put in jail or even worse prison (our jails and prisons are way better then theirs) for just saying things like " I hate the goverment" when we are here and we say that we won't get in trouble. Hungary is still in bad shape even though this event happened over 50 years ago! I wonder what would happen if we got taken over and then 50 years later we are still in bad shape? This is what I thought about this quote.


  6. This land will remain the land of the free so long as it is the home of the brave.~ Elmer Davis
    I agree with the quote because in order to stay the land of the free we must be brave
    If we did not have Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Armed Forces we would not be the same country we are today. An example would be if the Armed Forces had not won wars we would not be living the same way today. An example would be if we had not won the Revolutionary War we would not be the U.S. we would be British that is what I think this quote means.


  7. I think that the quote means that America is a place of freedom as long as there are brave people living in America.

    I agree with the quote because America is a free country built by courageous people who showed bravery and fought for their freedom to become independent. For example, the pilgrims were very brave to leave their country, England, to another place, America, which they have never been to and start their lives over again. Many have been killed by Native Americans or starved to death. When England ruled America, people decided to be brave and fight to win their freedom.

    Martin Luther King Jr. was very courageous. He didn’t have the same rights as the white people so he wanted to help his people to have the same rights as everybody else. He protested, fought, and even risked his life for the African American’s freedom. He was brave because he was not afraid of being harmed or killed for the price of freedom.
    We have just celebrated Veteran’s Day to honor soldiers who fought for our freedom. Today soldiers are fighting in the Middle East against terrorist who wants to harm us. These courageous soldiers are risking their lives to protect us and our freedom.

    As long as there are people who believe in freedom strongly in this country they will be brave and risk their lives to keep America a free country.

    - #7

  8. I think that Elmer Davis means that as long as we are brave and try to help our country that we will remain free. People serving our country are very brave. Think about it. All of the brave heros that serve or served our country help keep us free. If nobody was brave we wouldn't be free but, thankfully many women and men stood up and help our country.

    I do agree with the quote because if nobody served our country then we would not be free. I think that this really makes a point and I am thankfull that we have such brave people to serve our country.

    A connection between the quote and real life is that if we didn't have brave soldiars, like we do, we wouldn't have anyone to protect our country then we wouldn't be as free as we are right now. If America remains this way then we will be the land of the free and the home of the brave. I believe this qoute can make a differnce and I think it truly means something.

    I am blessed and thankful to live in America and have such wonderful, brvae people keep me and this country safe.


  9. I agree with #7 because I appreciate what the soldiers in the Middle East are doing for us and our country. They believe that all countries shouldn't have to be afraid of terrorism and I think that it is awesome that they are fighting for the U.S.A.

  10. I think the quote means that this country will stay free as long as we fight to protect it. Our military are brave and fight to protect our country.I think it also means that the police, FBI, swat teams, CIA, scientists and fireman have to do important jobs to protect us from fires, burglars, crime, natural disasters and to protect our planet.
    I agree with the quote because without brave people to help and protect us we would not be free and bad things would happen.
    I have a bully on me that makes me crazy. He pushes me down slides. I have had to be brave and stand up for myself to make him stop.I want to be free and make him stop so I have to keep being brave. That is why being brave is the first step to being free.
    #21 Max

  11. I think the quote means that if America didn't have soldiers and people that fought for America we would not be able to do what we believed in. Another way to put it is we will be free as long as soldiers are fighting in the army.
    I agree with this quote because if nobody decided to be brave and risk their lives to serve their country then we could've all became slaves.
    An example in real life is some countries have a king and have to do whatever he says. Do you know why they have a king? it's because they don't have anybody fighting for their country. I think that this quote is entirely true.


  12. I think he means that if we don't stand up for our selves, there will be problems. I agree with this quote because if we don't solve problems, there will be more of them. It's sort of like a todo list. If you don't get things done, you get a big list of things and you panic.
    -A.M.B. #3

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think that the quote means this nation will be free as long as we are brave to fight other countries,. I agree with the quote because if we weren’t brave we wouldn’t be able to vote for are leaders, we wouldn’t be able to say things that we want to say and most of all we wouldn’t be “living in liberty” as we are today.
    “Living in Liberty” comes from the song American Tears.
    I also agree with the quote because if all of our brave soldiers who are putting their lives in jeopardy didn’t fight for America we would not be a peaceful country. Finally I think Elmer Davis wrote a good quote, because it might make people think about all the things that people do to make America a better place.
    -Ben #5

  15. I think what this quote means is that this country will always be free only if people are brave and do everything they can to support and defend their beliefs. Also I think this quote can be use it to anyone who wants to achieve their goals.For example Barack Obama,who I think became a president because he has been working alot and he really believe in his ideas and looks so confident that he has made others believe in him. Another example of bravery is all the soldiers who fight or have gave their lives to keep this country free.
    I agree with Elmer Davis because we need to be brave to keep our freedom but we also need to be respectful and prepare ourselves to face any challenge.
    For me, living in freedom means, peace,liberty to express yourself and most of all live without any fear.

    Mariana #19

  16. I think the quote means that our country will stay free as long as we protect it. If our solders stay brave we will always be free.I agree with this quote because if we weren't brave we probably wouldn't be free. I also agree with this quote because their are solders risking their lives for our country, that makes us so peaceful. One example is that if we didn't win World War 2 we would be speaking Japanese .I am very happy to live in a free country like America.

    Noah #24

  17. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
    ~Elmer Davis

    I think this quote means that as long as people are brave enough to fight for our freedom, willing to risk their life’s, we can have a free country in which to live.
    I agree with this quote because without brave soldiers to fight for our country we would not be free to do things we would like. For instance some of us might have to be slaves or we might all have to follow a leader of another country. They might make us brush our teeth or pray all at the same time. Also another one is that we might not even be aloud to leave the country.
    I know that if all of those soldiers didn’t fight no one in the United States of America would have a good of a life as they do now. We would have to follow a lot of rules. That is why I am very thankful that there were brave men and woman willing to fight for our country to be free.

    Jill #14

  18. I think this quote means that any country or can be free and fair if the people in it be brave and defend that country. Also if you can be brave then you can do anything you feel is right for your country.
    Yes I do agree with the quote because for example, if you are brave then you can also accomplish anything and get things done faster and better. I think this quote is very inspiring and I like it a lot.
    My stepdad was in the air force in Arak and fought. He was fighting for a country and I am glad he did and I am glad I am the daughter of him. I am very blessed for him and the people who were fighting.
    Hannah #12

  19. Looking back at the Cascade Ridge Veteran’s Day assembly, I think I am beginning to understand what this quote means. My family and I are blessed because we get to live in a free country where you have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of voting, and much, much more. My Grandpa has told us stories about living in Vietnam and where there was no freedom because of the communist government. He told us about not being able to own land, not being able to vote, and not being able to say what you want to, when you want to. That is why they are blessed coming here to America.
    This quote means that Americans will always be privledge to live in freedom while veterans serve and fight for our country. I agree with this quote because America has rested in peace for several centuries because of the braveness of our veterans.
    If the veterans did not serve our country, it is likely that we would not be living in peace today.

  20. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.

    We are very lucky to live in a free country.

    I think the quote means that the solders need to be brave to fight for our country. Then, if they don't fight than we will not be free. So if the solderes are not brave, we would not be a free country.
    I agree with this quote because if people were not brave, then less of them would become solders and the we would have not have a very good chance of winning when we fight another country. For instance, if you were being bullied and you wanted he/she to stop, then you would talk to that person right? You would have to have courage to tell that person to stop. If you diden't have the courage to do that, then the bullying would get worse and worse until even if you had the courage then, you wouldn't be able to stop them. Well it's sort of like that with the solders fighting for our country, right? If they didn't have the courage, then less and less solders would go to fight. Soon we would lose. Then even if the solders gained courage, we would already have our rights taken away. Luckily, its not like that. We are very priviliged to have such brave solders.


  21. I think this quote means you need to be brave to fight for what you believe.
    I agree with this quote because I believe you have to be willing to fight for your rights. Our freedom is not free. You have to be willing to defend your country. Our soldiers do that every day for this country and for others that need our help. I am very thankful the soldiers are brave enough to maintain our country’s freedom.

  22. I think that "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave" means that if there weren't people like fire fighters, police men and women, and soldiers here for us then it wouldn't be the home of the brave. Also if people don't stand up for what they believe in, like Martin Luther King jr., then our country wouldn't be the land of the free. I agree with Elmer Davis because soldiers are going to war thinking that they know what they're fighting for but they may not get to see the end of what he/she did for America. They risk their own lives for us, the USA and our democracy. They try to make this country a better place. I am so thankful and grateful for the soldiers in Iraq and Afganistan who are fighting for our freedom. Without them we wouldn't have the freedom in United States as we have today.

  23. I believe this quote means that even if America has freedom, if we can't be brave and stand up for it, then freedom will be lost. I agree with this quote because freedom is powerful, but must have people to help secure it. If America was free, but not brave, we would have freedom, but for how long? With all of the wars going on, what would happen if we were attacked by another country, but weren’t brave enough to fight back? What if terrorists attacked the Space Needle like the Twin Towers, and we refused to take action? Would we really let them destroy our country, and pummel our freedom? I don’t feel that doing that would be the best choice. Freedom can only survive if there are men and women out there willing to protect it.


  24. I think the quote, "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." means that as long as we have brave people like soldiers fighting for our country we will remain the land of the free. I agree with this quote because if we didn't have the brave soldiers fighting for our country then the bad guys could take over our country. I have a feeling that the United States would not be the same if our soldiers didn't win the wars that they fought in

    Natalie #23

  25. "This nation will be free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
    -Elmer Davis
    I think that this quote means that we can be free as long as we are brave enough to stand up to defend our freedom. I agree with this quote because if we were free but not brave, freedom would not last. IF another country attacked us and we wee not brave they could take our freedom. When you don't agree with some one you need to be brave enough to stand up for your self and voice your opinion. Back during the Revolutionary War had we not stood up and fought for freedom, who knows how we would be living today. If we were at war but not brave enough to fight, who knows what would happen to the United States. We can only live in freedom if there are brave men and women who are willing to give up their lives for us at home. If we were not brave, I wonder how we would be living today.


  26. "Freedome!"
    I think that the quote means that our land wouldn't be free if it wasen't for the brave soldiers.

    I do agree with the quote because we do have a lot of brave soldiers who keep our country free. Lot's of people wan't to be soldiers.

    A connection in life would be that we get to be free, so that we can choose were we live and what scool to go to and what president to vote for. Some other country's dont even get to choose their president. they also don't get to choose where they would like to work.


  27. I think Elmer Davis is trying to say that America will have freedom. You should respect the people that serve for America because they (soldiers, the army, Police, and the fire fighters) were brave and fought for freedom and they got what they fought for.

    I agree with this quote because without freedom, everyone’s life would be miserable and sad. What this quote is trying to tell you is that freedom only happens when you try and risk yourself for it.

    Today when at the assembly, while the guest speakers were talking, I thought about what they said about freedom. When you’re a soldier or in the army, your giving your whole life for freedom.

    A connection in real life would be that some other Countries don't have freedom, so we should be grateful that we have freedom.


  28. Our nation will be free as long as we remain brave and fight for our freedom and never give up. I agree with the quote because everyone who has fought in a war fought their hardest, and that is why we won. My great grandpa served in WWI and WWII and severed our country as a brave solider for the United States. Because of him and many men and women who have fought and are currently fighting we have our freedom today. Without brave soldiers that fight for our freedom our country would live without the freedom that we have today. All Americans should give thanks to our soldiers.

    #13 Jack

  29. When I read this quote I didn't know what it meant at first, but I read it again and then I knew. I think it means that our country will only stay free as long as there are brave people to defend it. One connection to real life is that there are soldiers fighting in Iraq to keep this country free! I really hope that when I'm older I will still be in a free country. I really agree with this quote because if we don't have the armed forces we don't have freedom. And that is why I belive in the quote by: Elmer Davis.

    -cory #11
