Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolutions/Goals

For many people, the start of a new year is a time when they make resolutions or goals about what they will do during that year. Take some time this week to think about what you would like to accomplish in 2010. This can be as simple as, "Do a better job filling out my Reading Log," or something more complicated like, "Become a better basketball player for my team." You can choose something related to school or your life outside of school.

For your response, please:
- Clearly state your resolution or goal.
- Explain WHY you decided on this resolution or goal.
- Explain HOW you are going to accomplish your resolution/meet your goal.
Remember to write a complete paragraph with an introduction sentence AND a conclusion sentence.


  1. My resolution for this year is that I am going to learn how to cook. The reason why is because I want to be a chef someday like Julia Childs. I am going to read cook books, I am going to help my mom in the kitchen, and learn from my mom because she is a great cook.


  2. My new years resolution is to try to look out for more celebrations. I havent written a lot in the past few weeks so im going to have an eye out for people because i know that people are doing kind and nice thins for others and i havent really seen it though. i am hoping to have at least 2 celebrations a week.


  3. My New Years resolution for 2010 is to read more. I have been not reading and then having to read a whole bunch the last night to make it all up. I don't want to do that anymore becasue it is hard to read for a long time without stopping and it would be much easier if I could spread it out and read every night like I am supposed to. I am going to set a time for me to read every night and if I feel like reading more than I will. But will not wait till the last night and cram it all in. That is my New Years resolution for 2010!

    Brooke #8

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  5. This year I am going to try to get every homework assignment done. I decided to make this my goal because number one, it makes me feel good to get the homework behind me. Second, it will help me get better grades. Third, I want to be an architect when I grow up, and doing homework will help me be able to do that. To make sure that I do my homework I am going to start it right when I get home or when I have time. I think that this is a good goal to try to accomplish and I am going to give it my best.
    Ben #5

  6. I have many New Year’s resolution for this year. To name a few, I would like to read more, do better at basketball, and to play better violin.

    I have not been reading enough to maximize my reading log sheet. I plan to do this by finishing my homework faster so I can have more time to read.

    My second new year’s resolution is to be a better basketball player. Our team has lost couple of games by two points. I believe if I practice harder and improve my skills, our team will definitely win the next game.

    My last new year’s resolution will be to play better violin. I have not been performing a lot of violin in front of a crowd. I became too shy and nervous and could not do my best when I performed in front of friends during this past holiday season. I would like to perform more in front of people when there’s an opportunity.

    I hope that I will be able to accomplish my goals for 2010.

    - #7

  7. My new year resolutions for 2010 are to help my mom cook dinner. I decided to have this for one of my new year resolution because if something happens and my mom isn't there to cook lunch or dinner for my brother and I, then I'm there to cook a meal. During this new year, I will ask if she needs help with cutting meat, carrots, and stuff like that. This might also come out in handy because when I'm older and when I'm supposed to babysit a kid and the parents get back at 12:00 p.m. then I can cook some food. This might come in handy when I'm much older.

    Another new years resolution is to practice piano 20 minutes a day. I've been lacking practicing every day. I would say that I would practice for 20 minutes but I really set the timer on 15 minutes or less. So I hardly get to practice. In order to do this, I will practice in the morning before school (if I have time) and after school. I will try to stay on task and not get distracted by things around me.

    My last new year resolution is to read more often. Sometimes I forget to read on a certain day so I read double the amount of what I was supposed to read yesterday. This year, I plan to read every day after school and record it in my reading log. I will choose a good fit book and make sure that I can't finish it in 2 hours or so.

    With 2010 starting, I think I can accomplish my goals.


  8. I have a few New Years resolutions, but these are the ones that I really want to accomplish. One is to be more organized. I want to accomplish this becasue I like to feel neat and organized. To do this I have organized my room and I am starting to get organized in school. I set goals for how long to stay organized. For example, I want to keep my room organized for one month. Once I have one month down I move to two months and so on.

    Another New Years resolution is to learn to sew clothing. I want to accomplish this because when I grow up I want ot be a fashion designer. I sketch many designs but I want to start being able to sew them. My mom taught me how to use the sewing machine. She taught me how to thread it, wind the bobbin and fix it if it gets jammed. My mom let me put the sewing machine in my room and I sew pillows. My aunt knows a lady who is giving sewing lessons. I don't know when but I think I am going to get some.

    I think that if I put my mind into working hard and I take the time to learn, I will accpmplish these goals.

    - Annie

  9. a few of my new year resoluttions for 2010 are being a better basketball player fore my skyline select team. at home is to keep my room clean and help more around the house. at school it is to get better at math. and those are a few of my newyear resolutions


  10. There are lots of things I could stand to work on for the new year, but I think a good New Year's resolution for me would be to keep my desk clean for the rest of the year. I need to work on this because my desk is usally very VERY messy and I am sick of not being able to find my things. I will acomplish my goal by gently getting things out and putting things back in their spot in my desk. I am looking forward to a clean desk in 2010.

  11. My New Year’s Resolution is to not procrastinate. Every assignment I have, I could’ve started sooner, rather than later and finished it at a more relaxed pace than stressing out before the due date. So, to prevent procrastination, I’m going to begin the assignment the moment I get it. I’m brainstorming ideas early for the science fair to get it done and put it behind me. An example besides homework, is my piano lessons. Sometimes, instead of practicing a little everyday and enjoy playing music, I cram long sessions into two days before m next session and getting frustrated and not having fun.

    2010 is a year of new, fresh beginnings. I’m going to try and make this the best year of the new decade!

    ~ #15

  12. I have a few New Year’s Resolutions for school in 2010. Some of the resolutions I thought I should make surround the areas in which I can improve. I want to be able to find my mistakes and fix them so it is correct and makes sense to anyone who looks at my paper. In the past, I have often made mistakes I know I should not have made and further, because I was lazy and didn’t check my work, these mistakes were never corrected. Now, I want to be able to identify these mistakes by checking consistently.
    Another resolution is that I want to become a better writer by adding more details and making sentences just long enough so that they are neither choppy nor too long. I would like to improve in writing. My writing is not the quality I know it can be.
    Finally, I want to smile and laugh more. Smiling and laughing makes me happy, and I like that. Also, this makes others feel good. Additionally, it makes everything seem easier and it just feels great. These are my New Year’s Resolutions for school in 2010.

  13. One New Year revolution I would like to make is to be more organized in school. I want to be more organized because my desk is so messy that every time I try to find something in it I have a hard time. I will be able to do this by first organizing my desk and second putting everything in it neatly instead of stuffing it in. I think that I will have have a great new year.


  14. I think the beginning of the year is a great opportunity to start resolutions. I have many 2010 resolutions one of them is to read more because I 'm a little bit lazy on that aspect. I think biographies, cookbooks, and reading facts about other countries can help me to reach my goal. Another one is to raise my hand more often during the class at least once every two days even when I 'm a little shy.

    At gymnastics I want to go to level 4 and for that, I need to charge my batteries and work on my abs and practice 4 days a week. At home, I want to help my mom more with my sister and cleaning up.

    Another resolution, but not the easiest one, that I promise to my mom, is not complaining because sometimes and don't enjoy the things that I have. And the last one, that is the most important for me at this time, is enjoying being a child because very soon I am going to be a teenager and playing is not going to be my priority and is one of the things that I love to do. I know that my resolutions would be really hard to achieve, but I'm going to work on them one day at the time.


  15. My new years goal is to be better at basket ball. I chose this because I really want to be good this sesion. I'm going to reach this goal by practiceing a lot and persavering. I hope that I reach my goal.-annika

  16. I think making new year resolutions are fun. I actually already made one but I have another resolution to talk about. One of my resolutions is to be better at juggling in soccer and to practice a lot more. I decided to do that resolution because I'm not the best juggler because I can only get 53 juggles sometimes and everybody can get 70 juggles without even trying hard. I feel like I'm letting my team down and need to work on that. To accomplish my goal, I am going to practice 30 minutes a day for a month and I will try to succeed on that goal.
    ~ Cameron #9

  17. My News years Resolution is to budget my time better. I am going to plan out my what I am going to get done and around what time I should do it. I am choosing as my New Years Resolution to budget my time better because some times I wait until the last minute to do things and then I get stressed out a little and so do my parents. Also another way I will reach my goal is to have a time when I want to be completely done with my whole project so I can be relaxed the next couple days.

    Jill #14

  18. My new years resolution is to do a better job filling out my reading log. I have been under the goal for one month. I plan to read at least the goal for this year.
    Lucas #17

  19. For the year 2010, I made one resolution. This resolution is to be more organized. Every year, I do somewhat well in school, but where I do the worst, and what brings my overall grades down the most, is my organization skills. I wish to be able to get an organized desk, be able to prioritize with a structured list, and a ordered overall life. I will peruse this goal by taking time not needed in class to straighten out my desk. I will also choose what the most effective uses of my time are. Finally, if I start to see that I am not doing well in a subject, I will do all I can to make that subject my best. With these steps, I will achieve my goal of becoming a more organized person.

    R.D. 27

  20. For the year 2010 I have a couple of resolutions. My first resolution is to get better at my ski excersises and be able to do wall sitting for 15 minutes. In ski racing I could go down faster around the gates in races and practice. Another resolution is to have a more orginized room because it is always a big mess. Also I want to accomplish reading more then a hundred books. In swim team I want to get better and get moved up to bronze plus. Pay more attention at school when the teacher is talking. I hope I can do all my resolutions this year.


  21. This year I have set a new year's resolution to become a better reader. I chose this as a goal this year because by becoming a better reader I believe I will do better in all school subjects. I am going to challenge myself to read books at a higher reading level, this will help me improve my reading skills. I am going to read every day for at least 30 minutes and record it in my reading log. It is my goal by the end of 2010 to be reading with better fluency.

  22. One of my resoulutions for 2010 is to be a better basketball player.In 2009 I had improved alot, but this year I want to be one of the best players on my team.To reach my goal I am commited to practicing and working hard on reaching my goal.

    Noah #24

  23. My New Years Resolution is to get better at basketball. I have been playing since I was a little kid and I was never very good. To get better I will practice every day it doesn't rain, including days I have basketball practice. This way I hope my team gets better.


  24. A couple of days ago I started to do ballet. I did ballet when i was about three and four years old but I decided I wanted to do ballet again. My New Years Resolution is to do my best in ballet and work my hardest to be the best I can. A couple of days ago when I did the trial class, I loved it! I think I will continue to love this sport and I want to do it for a very long time. Right now, I am not that good since I haven't down it in six years, but I am getting there. Doing ballet I think is going to be very good for me and I hope I achieve this goal that I set for myself!
    ~Hannah #12

  25. For my New Year Resolutions I had three resolutions. One I want to do a better job of reading so I get the exact, or more amount of minutes needed. Secondly I want to work on writing celebrations. I haven't been doing enough lately so I want to do more. At least two a week would be good. Finally I want to work on getting homework, assignments done before the due date comes. Those are my three New Year Resolutions.


  26. I have a few New Year Resolutions. My first one is to do a better job of responding to the blog. Second is to become a better basketball player for my team (I really am not good at shooting). Third is to not wait until the last minute to do my whole book report. Finally, I want to become the best friend, sister, and daughter that I can be. I will work as hard as I can to reach my goals.

    A.D. #4

  27. New Years resolutions are great things. I always have a New Years resolutions. I had two new years resolutions. My first goal was to do bettere at my blogpost and not always be doing it Sunday night. My second goal was to do better in football and never to a bad snap. For my blogpost I will do it before I invite any friends over. For football I will practice snaping at home. These are my new years resolutions!!!

    -Cory #11

  28. This year I have a few New Years resolutions. I would like to do better in Science because sometimes I don't get it. I am going to pay better attention to the speaker so I know what to do. I also want to make new friends because friends are very important. To accomplish that goal I will find people that like all the stuff I like. Those are my goals for 2010!

    Max #21
